Inventory Revamp

Inventory Revamp
The inventory was designed a very long time ago, with lots of small intricacies that doesn't fit the gameclient anymore. I was tasked with taking ownership of this project, and figuring out what to fix and how to do it systematically
Due to the nature of how big the project was, I split it into many Figma files with different focus points, and kept a database in a master file. This made it easier for the developers to see exactly what they had to do.
First thing first, we should research. I researched the problems with internal playtests, followed by benchmarking and sorting of problems.
At the end of this step, I had Jira tickets, examples and arguments for my methods. Everything pointed towards a revamp, but due to resources, we started with smaller improvements in different parts of the inventory.
A good example of a painpoint was simply that you had to drag and drop into the right slot, and it's very hard to see what equipment is for what at a glance. This was fixed early with a hitbox and automatic sorting.
Other things could be a lack of double click.
First time user experience
Why have an inventory if the user doesn't know about the new features?
The FTUE was started together with the abilities, to ensure that the users would be aware of the new feature, and guiding them through the different features of the inventory.
What you see on the left is an outcast for a MVP, which is a very early prototype, using modular pop ups to create understanding for the user. This would later need refinement.
The loadout feature, or outfits as we called it was a way for the user to save outfits with different stats.
A big problem here was that the abilities had not been taken into consideration by the earlier UI designer.
We had to make a lot of compromises across teams to make it all fit for v0.12, and then make a secondary version ready for 0.13.
Splitting this up made it possible for us to properly estimate the time to implement the new feature(s).
Future complete revamp
The inventory was a bit old, and many things would need a bit of a nice little makeover. Therefore I ended up using the research from earlier to put down problems that needed to be taken into account.
My end result was a complete revamp, splitting up the inventory in different categories by using the different slots. It adds an extra step, but automatically sorts for the user.
Doing this would make it possible to keep consumables sorted, and weapons in the weapon slot.
This would also add the possibility of later splitting this entirely, having the inventory and equipment as different parts, though this would need more research.
It would also completely get rid of the earlier mentioned drag and drop issues.
One bigger problem with this is the lack of an "all category", and the extra click.